I can't believe it. We FINALLY finished the big coop. It took way longer than I expected, but it is wonderful. And it's DONE! It's not perfect, but this was our first ever construction project. (I never even had wood shop in school.) I think it is beautiful, and it will serve it's purpose well. We've decided to name the coop "The Squatting Chicken."
The Squatting Chicken |
The latch and spring for the main door. Notice the string for the
pulley system the opens the chicken access door.
Handle on the inside so humans can get out of the coop and the chicken access hatch.
Check out the cool ramp Derek put together!
Interior of the coop complete with nest boxes and roosts. Omelette and Maple seem like their new digs.
Our BOs are getting used to their new home. No more garage for these babies!
The Original Three (Layla, Yadi, and Tilly). They seem to like the new coop, but they aren't too fond of the two additional chickens that came with it. I've never heard them so noisy as when they "discovered" Omelette and Maple in the hen house.
I forget how pretty Layla is (left). Her feathers have a green shimmer in the sunlight.
On the right is a nice shot of Omelette through the hardware cloth.
So that's that. We now have our very own coop that we built ourselves. It's so cool to look down there in the yard and see something we built together. I'm so glad it's finished!
(Okay, so there are a couple things I still want to do to it.... paint, gravel, ect.)