Saturday, December 4, 2010

Chicks Stink

They really do, so we finally broke down and moved them into the garage and into a larger brooder.  They aren't ready to be outside yet, but they'll be fine in the garage.  They are in a giant dog crate and still have a heat lamp. They are five and a half weeks old now, and if it were warm out, they would be outside.  The dog crate gives them more space but still a secure area.  We added a few sticks so they can roost.  Within 30 minutes of setting it all up they were both perched closer to the heat lamp.  I'll be checking them frequently today to make sure they are warm enough.

Tilly is checking the progress of the new coop.  She's a good foreman.


  1. This is what I am afraid of and why I want started pullets.

  2. If it were summer, they would have been outside way before this. My next chick experience will definitely be during a warmer time of year!
