Friday, November 26, 2010

The Beginnings of the Coop

We began construction of our coop this week since we were off for Thanksgiving.  We are using The Garden Coop plans that are available online, but we are modifying by adding an extra section of enclosed coop so that it will readily accommodate 10 chickens with the suggested 6 square feet of run and 3 square feet of enclosed space per bird.  We have it all framed, but the next step is the hardest.  Now we get to dig.  We will need to dig to place the cinder blocks and then dig a foot deep trench all the way around to bury the hardware cloth and predator-proof the run.  We are going to try to get that taken care of tomorrow and Sunday.  No matter what, it needs to be done before the ground freezes.

Today was a very nice day in Colorado Springs, so we took our two buff orpington chicks outside for the very first time.  They are a little over four weeks old now, and they thoroughly enjoyed pecking at the dirt.  The field trip only lasted about five minutes before we returned them to their warm brooder inside.

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